Do you Need a Holding Company?
Are you thinking about setting up a holding company? Before you do, tune in to this episode of Mind Your Money! Host Mehul Gandhi sits down with CPA and founder of Simplify Accounting, Shawn Gander, to break down everything business owners need to know about holding companies—what they are when you actually need one, and why too many entrepreneurs set them up for the wrong reasons.
Let's Talk About CPP
Canada's national pension plan, the CPP, is a cornerstone for retirees in Canada. Gaining a deeper understanding of the pension scheme and its recent enhancements is crucial to your retirement. Mehul interviews Aravind Sithamparapillai and Jason Yee for a deep-dive into CPP and the recent enhancements. We hope you enjoy the episode
What Are You Retiring To?
So much of retirement planning is based on retirement income. Something that many advisors do not talk about with their clients is what retirement life is going to look like. Mehul interviews retirement expert, Susan Latremoille, on the non-financial side of retirement and the work she does to make sure individuals spend their retirement feeling enriched and fulfilled. We hope you enjoy the episode!
Alternative Minimum Tax Matters
The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) has gone through some changes in the last two years. Mehul interviews tax accountant, Yvonne Chu of Journey Tax Solutions to find out how the changes to AMT affect Canadians.
In this episode, we cover what AMT is, why it was originally introduced, and how it has changed from a calculation that rarely applied to one that must be seriously considered by tax payers.
The Individual Pension Plan: A 'Super-Charged' RRSP?
Individual Pension Plans (IPP) have been described as corporate RRSPs or 'Super-Charged' RRSPs. They are essentially defined benefit plans for private corporations and incorporated professionals. IPPs are not very popular, but recent tax changes are giving these retirement savings vehicles more attention. Mehul interviews Navaz Cassam, President of the Alberta-based actuarial firm, GBL Inc. on all things IPPs
Is Real Estate a 'Good' Investment
In this episode of our Podcast, Westmount Wealth’s Mehul Gandhi is joined by Keaton Bessey, Managing Broker at Greater Vancouver Tenant & Property Management. They discuss the reality of investing in Canadian real estate today.
The Financial Impact of 'No-Fault'Car Insurance in British Columbia
In British Columbia's 'no-fault' car insurance regime, individuals not at fault in an accident are limited to pre-determined levels of wage loss replacement and medical expense repayment, potentially leading to financial ruin. Mehul interviews Personal Injury and Estate litigation lawyer, Elisabeth Sadowski from Hammerco Lawyers to learn about how no-fault insurance works and what British Columbians can do to prevent financial setbacks if they are in a motor vehicle accident. We hope you enjoy the episode!
Changes to the Capital Gains Tax in Canada
The only constant in life is change. The percentage of a capital gain that is included as income in the year the gain is realized is currently 50%. As of June 25, 2024, that inclusion rate will increase to 66.67%. Mehul interviews tax lawyer and partner, Rebecca Cynader from Scion Law about the changes to the capital gains inclusions rate, who it affects, what Canadian individuals, companies, and trusts need to be aware of.
Donor Advised Funds: A Better Way to Give
Large donations have increased over the years in Canada. Mehul interviews Ian Currie, Regional Development Manager for of Western Canada for Canada Gives, a registered charity that centralizes the process of giving through donor advised funds (DAF). Mehul and Ian discuss the details and benefits of DAFs and how they can simplify the donation process for wealthy Canadian donors.
Planning Your Retirement
In this episode of the Mind Your Money Podcast, Mehul Gandhi sits down with Joey Basque, to delve into the essentials of financial planning for retirement. Their discussion focuses on establishing a solid foundation for retirement income planning and highlights vital components that both pre-retirees and retirees must contemplate. Tune in to gain valuable insights and strategies to ensure your financial stability in retirement. Enjoy the episode!
Charitable Donations and Tax Credits
Thousands of individuals and corporations in Canada donate to charities every year. Learn about the tax implications of making charitable donations from Tax lawyer Amanda Doucette.
A Consumer's Guide to Critical Illness Insurance
Mehul speaks with Sheila Burns, a director at CLHIA, about their new Critical Illness Insurance Consumer Guide. Critical Illness insurance is one of the most misunderstood types of insurance in Canada. It is also one of the least talked about by consumers and insurance advisors alike. The Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA), a consumer based association recently released a consumer guide on critical illness insurance to help Canadian consumers. Sheila starts with explaining about the decision to create the guide and then we get into a detailed discussion on critical illness insurance.
SPECIAL EPISODE: Crossover Episode Beyond MD Podcast - Critical Illness Insurance
Having a good financial plan in the event of a critical illness is crucial.