Do you Need a Holding Company?

Are you thinking about setting up a holding company? Before you do, tune in to this episode of Mind Your Money! Host Mehul Gandhi sits down with CPA and founder of Simplify Accounting, Shawn Gander, to break down everything business owners need to know about holding companies—what they are when you actually need one, and why too many entrepreneurs set them up for the wrong reasons.

Sean shares insights on:

  • How holding companies work and their tax advantages

  • The #1 reason they’re used for wealth preservation

  • Why setting one up too soon can be a costly mistake

  • Common misconceptions (and when a holding company won’t save you money)

  • The impact of passive income rules, capital gains tax changes, and estate planning

If you’re a business owner, incorporated professional, or entrepreneur wondering if a holding company is right for you, this is a must-listen.

This podcast episode has been prepared by Mehul Gandhi, CFP®️, CLU®️, TEP an Estate Planning Specialist and Senior Insurance Advisor for Westmount Wealth Planning Inc. Westmount Wealth Planning Inc. is a subsidiary of Westmount Wealth Management Inc. Westmount Wealth Management Inc. is registered as a Portfolio Manager in British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario.

This episode contains the current opinions of the host and guests, and such opinions are subject to change without notice. This material is distributed for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide personalized legal, accounting, tax, or specific investment advice. Please speak to a Westmount Wealth Advisor regarding your unique situation.

Mehul Gandhi CFP®, CLU®, TEP

Estate Planning Specialist, Senior Insurance Advisor
Westmount Wealth Planning Inc.


Let's Talk About CPP